Whitney Francis Recognized with National Health Corps Service Award

Posted on: May 20, 2020San Francisco

SFCCC joins the National Health Corps in congratulating our first NHC San Francisco Service Award Recipient, Whitney Francis!

This award honors one member from each of the six NHC locations across the country who exemplifies the AmeriCorps ethic of service and goes above and beyond to support their community. Awardees were nominated by fellow members or host site supervisors who wanted to acknowledge their outstanding service, and final selections were made by a review panel. National Health Corps received so many nominations that said truly wonderful things about NHC members, and were thrilled to see the incredible impact that NHC is having across the country. 

Whitney Francis NHC SF Service Award


Whitney currently serves at the San Francisco Health Network Food Pharmacies as a Food Pharmacy Coordinator. We are so proud of her and all the other awardees who have committed their time and talent to service, and hope that they continue sharing their gifts with their communities for many years to come.