Navigating the Turbulent Waters of Healthcare

Posted on: May 3, 2016Philadelphia

With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the expansion of Medicaid many Americans who were unable to receive medical care will now have healthcare. I see the impact of the ACA everyday with the many people who come to the Health Center to see the benefits counselors to discuss their insurance options. Although ACA has provided health coverage to many of the previously uninsured, there are still many people who can not afford insurance through the Marketplace and do not meet the income requirements for Medicaid/Medicare. As a patient advocate, I have the pleasure of helping those uninsured patients receive the treatment they need.

Not having insurance and not knowing how you will receive treatment can be very scary but this is a reality that many Americans live with. The Patient Assistance office helps to alleviate some of that stress by providing uninsured patients with the necessary medications to maintain a healthy lifestyle or treat a medical condition. Patients with no coverage or gaps in their coverage preventing them from receiving certain medications, are able to follow the treatment regimen their doctor has established for them with the assistance of the Prescription Assistance Program. This past week I had been working with a patient to help him get him a medication that would normally cost thousands of dollars. After working with the patient to complete the application he thanked me profusely. I had simply helped him complete the application, he did not even receive the medication and yet he was still so grateful for simply having access to this medication, even though he did not have insurance. I have had similar interactions with other patients. So many of the patients who come to the office are so incredibly appreciative of the help we provide them.

Recently, with the help of the Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) team, I have been able to help patients who are at a high risk for HIV. The PrEP team is able to identify these patients, console them, and refer them to the Patient Assistance office in order to receive medication that will help lower their chances of being infected. Supplying patients with PrEP medications such as Truvada, not only helps them maintain their health but it also assists in the battle against the spread of HIV. Once again we are able to provide the patients with medication that would usually cost thousands of dollars to receive the medication at a discounted price or for free. While helping these patients I often think of the significance of programs such as Patient Assistance and PrEP.

These programs are crucial to maintaining the health of many Americans. With the current structure of the healthcare system in America there remains to be patients that f have been lost to care or do not have access to healthcare. These programs help to expand the number of Americans provided with care and break down some the barriers often associated with the healthcare system. Seeing firsthand the challenges many patients have navigating the healthcare system, I can better understand the importance of patients having a support system, created by these programs that will help them maneuver the turbulent waters of the health care system. 

This blog post was written by NHC Philadelphia member Olivia James.
Olivia serves as a Patient Advocate at Philadelphia Department of Public Health-Ambulatory Health Services: Health Center 2