1700 Hours of Service Later

Posted on: July 5, 2017Chicago

Dear NHC Chicago,

I remember walking into our first day of Pre-Service Orientation, anxious about moving to a new city and unsure of what exactly to expect from a year of service. I had been both impressed and admittedly a little intimidated from my'brief" overview of each of your Facebook and LinkedIn profiles that I had perused before meeting you all. Almost immediately my nerves were replaced with the welcoming and friendly community that came together in our Corps. It's a pretty amazing thing to have 20 strangers connect so effortlessly.

From managing to get by on the stipend, to numerous attempts at navigating the bureaucracy of the health care system, or just trying to maintain order in a classroom of teenagers, I think we can all attest that this year has been filled with its difficulties and challenges. But for each setback, I have witnessed your responses of perseverance and continued compassionate care to our clients and patients. Your dedication towards increasing access to healthcare by acknowledging the problems and facing them head on have continued to challenge me throughout the year and truly taught me the value of working together.

I feel so thankful for the support I've been given during this service term and the lifelong friendships that have been made. I hope that you all realize the lasting impressions and lessons you have left with me. As we wrap up our finals hours of service, I am faced with way too many inevitable goodbyes. Thank you all for making this year of service together so impactful, not only to me, but to the communities that we served. I am forever grateful for my experience with National Health Corps Chicago and all the people that I've had the privilege of serving alongside. I am so honored to join the 1 million AmeriCorps alumni with you. I wish you all the best as you continue to make more positive impacts in the lives of others.

Together In Service,


This blog post was written by NHC Chicago 2016-17 member Kaitie McQuade.

Kaitie is a Community Health Educator at Advocate Children's Hospital, Community and Health Relations Department.