Posted on: January 30, 2014Pittsburgh

What do you do at your site to provide primary and preventative health care services to the medically underserved populations in Allegheny County?
Serving with Primary Care Health Services (PCHS), Inc. at the Alma Illery Medical Center, my responsibilities focus on providing and improving access to care for the medically underserved populations. I contact patients due for physicals and/or preventative care services, and help them schedule and attend appointments. Recently, I also started interacting with patients interested in smoking cessation, aiming to assist with managing their efforts and to provide beneficial resources. Additionally, as a Certified Application Counselor, I have been enrolling patients in health insurance plans brought about by the Affordable Care Act.

What is your New Year's service resolution?
My New Year's service resolution is to become more involved in community outreach. Whether it is presenting on the benefits of enrolling in health insurance or informing patients about the services our health center provides, I want to be an active participant at community events. I know that engaging with the public and building relationships is an important part of service. Moving forward, I aim to become a better Health Promoter for my site, PCHS.