Live Twitter Q&A: Just in case you missed it!

Posted on: June 10, 2015Philadelphia

Hey Twitterland! Welcome to the @PhilaHealthCorps Live Q&A. Ask us questions using #askPHC starting now!

Q1: What are some of your favorite places to go in Philly? #askPHC

A1: @RdgTerminalMkt is famous for shopping, @myphillypark Fairmount park is gorgeous, @philamuseum is worth repeat visits #askPHC
A1: We also love going to variety of beer gardens @PHLBeerGarden, taco joints like @BuenaOndaTacos & restaurants like @CantinaPhilly #askPHC
A1: The @MutterMuseum in center city is the place to check out if you're interested in medicine. So many medical oddities! #askPHC
A1: Great spots to hang out during beautiful Philly summers are @SchuylkillBanks & the many city parks while blasting @BoomPhilly #askPHC
A1: Many members are avid runners and participate in events such as @IBXRun10 and @LOVERUNPHILLY #askPHC
A1: Members engage in free events like yoga in the park sponsored by @bewellphilly or running events w/ @RUN_215 and @RunningPhilly #askPHC

Q2: What have some of the member service projects been? #askPHC

A2: We do one project as a group per month, some include painting murals, Rubye’s Kids, renovation projects, and urban gardens #askPHC
A2: Here is a picture of members serving with Rubye's kids during Christmas time! #askPHC

A2: You are welcome to do as much individual outside service as you like, such as soup kitchens, insurance enrollment, book programs #askPHC
A2: Here is a picture of our entire group after our very first service project with @HabitatPhilly #askPHC

A2: Members in the past and present have done outside service with @btbphilly @WayGay @thefoodtrust @HabitatPhilly @Philabundance #askPHC

Q3: What organizations do you volunteer with in Philly? #askPHC

A3: To name some: @servephlvistas, @PhilaACWeek, Grace Café, @ProjectHome, @CityYearPhilly, @RTPhiladelphia, @phillyhomeless #askPHC
A3: We participate in @mlkdayofservice each year. This past year we painted schools murals with @CityYearPhilly #askPHC

Q4: What is your favorite part about your service? #askPHC

A4: Working directly with patients providing a service that is your responsibility and expertise #askPHC
A4: Our service allows us to become very knowledgeable in the field of healthcare, like insurance, case management & rx assistance #askPHC
A4: We have many great host sites like @DrexelCNHP @MCC_Home @NSCPhila @FPCN_ and @PHLPublicHealth #askPHC

Q5: How is living in Philly with the stipend provided by @americorps? #askPHC

A5: Philly is cheap for a city and public transportation with @SEPTA is accessible so no need for car #askPHC
A5: It is easy to find affordable housing w/ other members & PHC members are likely eligible for food stamps @GPCAHunger #askPHC
A5: Good areas to look for housing are @OldCityDistrict @CCDistrict @Fishtown @BellaVistaPHL @NLiberties and South Philly #askPHC
A5: Many farmer’s markets to buy fresh fruits & veggies, earn money when using food stamps card, see @thefoodtrust for more info! #askPHC
A5: Can get $2 admission with food stamps card to 18 museums in Philly, like @the_barnes @MutterMuseum  #askPHC
A5: We take advantage of the free happy hours at @_howlatthemoon a lot – can’t beat free drinks and a food buffet #askPHC

Q6: What have members gone onto after their term of service? #askPHC

A6: Members have served with @PeaceCorps, gone to grad school with @drexelpubhealth and attended health professional school! #askPHC
A6: after this year of service PHC, I'll be attending medical school @uwsmph #askPHC –Stephanie Lakritz
A6: I'll be staying in Philly to attend medical school at @JeffersonUniv! #askPHC –Andrew Ines
A6: After my term of service with @PhilaHealthCorp I'm going to @UNC to get an MA in Health Communication! #askPHC –Deanna Puglia
A6: @philahealthcorp I am attending medical school @umnmedschool this August! #askPHC –Dan Wells
A6: After PHC, I'll be attending @EinsteinMed in the Bronx, NY! #askphc –Chike Madu
A6: Program Staff comes from #service backgrounds too @PeaceCorps #Zambia @Jumpstartkids #RochesterAniela Glinski

Q7: What do you like to do for fun outside of service? #askPHC

A7: There are a ton of great/diverse places to eat and Philly is packed with museum opportunities and deals #askPHC
A7: Bars and nightlife here are good, numerous sport events, and variety of festivals (many w/ free goodies) #askPHC
A7: Philadelphia is close to cities like NYC, Baltimore, DC & travel to them is easy w/ @megabus @BoltBus @AmtrakNEC @chinatown_bus #askPHC
A7: We use @uwishunu to search for events, festivities, & special occasions happening in Philly – there is something each weekend! #askPHC
A7: The @HuffingtonPost recently posted an article about 21 ways Philly is the coolest city  #askPHC

Q8: What activities do you spend the majority of your time at your host site? #askPHC

A8: Depends on the role, but universally we spend time speaking w/ patients & collaborating w/ members of the healthcare team #askPHC
A8: Check out our member descriptions for positions open this upcoming year!  #askPHC

Q9: What are some topics you have covered in your monthly member meetings? #askPHC #professionaldevelopment

A9: We have learned about trauma-informed care from @multiplyconnect and mental health first aid from @PhillyMHFA @MHFirstAidUSA #askPHC
A9: We've also had workshops about public speaking, how to write resumes and cover letters, and organized networking events #askPHC

Q10: What has been your favorite part about your service with the Philadelphia Health Corps? #askPHC

A10: Being around other passionate and service-oriented individuals #askPHC
A10: Getting to experience a new city, culture, and way of life #askPHC #wooder #allthepretzels
A10: Learning about the healthcare field by directly working in health centers with various professionals #askPHC
A10: Being able to share our experiences & research at conferences, like the #EndAIDS2015 conference! #askPHC

A10: Meeting a great group of people and making long lasting friendships with people from all across the country! #askPHC #BFF

Thanks to everyone for participating in our Live Tweet Q&A! We enjoyed having you & hope you learned something new @PhilaHealthCorp #askPHC

Feel free to tweet at us with any further questions that come out. And check out our website -->  #askPHC

Stay tuned for our other National Health Corps sites twitter events! @PghHealthCorps @NFHealthCorps @ChiHealthCorps @NatHealthCorps #askPHC