Lily GrillsBack to Member List

Pronouns: she/her
Position Title: Health Educator
Where are you from?
Birmingham, MI
Why did you decide to join NHC?
As an aspiring physician and someone who is passionate about public health, I joined NHC to get a better understanding of how to address the social determinants of health in our current health system. I am extremely excited about being part of the movement working towards health equity through health education and other preventive health measures!
What are you hoping to gain or learn during your service term?
During my service term, I hope to gain an understanding of the best ways to disseminate health information while developing meaningful relationships with those I am working with. I also hope to gain insight into how to most effectively collaborate with communities to promote health and prevent disease.
What are you most looking forward to during your service term?
This year, I am most looking forward to making connections with individuals at my host site and getting them excited about and involved in health promotion. I am also very excited to connect with my fellow NHC members and explore the city of Chicago!