Pictured: AmeriCorps Member Elizabeth Mathews

Position Title: Patient Navigator 


Why did you join NHC Pittsburgh? 

I have always wanted to do something in healthcare and NHC Pittsburgh allows me to enter the medical field and gain experience in my fields of medical sociology and bioethics. I also love helping my community, and as a student in Pittsburgh, I want to be able to give back and do something for the community in which I reside. 


What do you hope to gain or learn during your service term? 

I hope to gain experience working with local communities and patients to better inform and gain experience in patient care and interaction. 


What are you most looking forward to during your service term? 

Working with community members to better improve their health needs and outcomes. 


What is something you appreciate about serving in Pittsburgh/at your Host Site? 

I greatly enjoy my host site and the opportunities I have to share my knowledge and expertise in medical sociology and bioethics. I will also be able to gain experience in ethics and advanced directives. 


What are your plans after your service as an AmeriCorps member? 

After my service in AmeriCorps, I will be completing my PhD by taking my competencies and defending my dissertation. I hope to not only teach at the collegiate level, but also serve on an ethics committee in the local hospital system. I hope to also continue writing and publishing articles or books regarding disability, LGBTQ+ healthcare, and systemic barriers to healthcare and education.